His Publications
His works
Imam Ath-Thaʿlabiyy left for us a huge heritage of knowledge, represented in more than five hundred volumes as mentioned by A-Wāḥidī his close student. These compilations are nothing but the product of the abundant knowledge carried by Abū Isḥāq Ath-Thaʿlabi. They are evidence that Imam Ath-Thaʿlabi combined knowledge with practice and words with action, so he authored those great works from which the students of knowledge learned, and with which he benefited the nation.
This is not surprising for a man who strived in his quest for knowledge, so he worked day and night with firm determination and strenuous effort until people migrated to him from far and near areas. But unfortunately, the Islamic nation was deprived of this great heritage and huge works, as only a small amount of them reached us.
The following are the only writings of Ath-Thaʿlabiyy that I found:
1-Qaṣaṣ Al-Anbiyāʾ, known as ʿArāʾis Al-Mājalis.
It is a printed book that has several manuscripts.
In it, the author mentions the stories of the prophets, peace be upon them, and mentions the stories of those who are related to them, such as the destruction of Nimrod ibn Kanʿān, the story of the believer of Pharaoh’s family, and so on.
It is full of strange stories and Israelite narrations, as is usually the case in books written on this topic, except in rare cases. These stories are sometimes narrated by Ath-Thaʿlabiyy with his chain of transmission, and sometimes he mentions sayings attributed to those who said them. He quotes a lot from the writers of biographies and reports, such as Muḥammad ibn Isḥāq, and others. Sometimes he attributes the saying in a general manner, as he says: “Those who have knowledge about the news of the former nations said.” The author starts each story he presents with what was mentioned about it from the noble Qurʾān, and mentions the verses that were revealed about that prophet, or others, in the story he is telling.
Ath-Thaʿlabyy divided his book into sections, chapters, and sessions.
Those who wrote biography for Ath-Thaʿlabiyy all agreed to the attribution of this book to him.
Anyone who has knowledge and study of the Tafsir of Ath-Thaʿlabiyy, and knows about his shaykhs, does not doubt the attribution of this book to him.
2-Nafāʾis Al-ʿArāʾis wa Yawāqīt At-Tījān fī Qaṣaṣ Al-Qurʾān.
Brockelmann mentioned it and attributed it to Ath-Thaʿlabi, and he mentioned several written versions of it.
He also mentioned that this book was printed in Arabic in Egypt, Bombay, and Kashmir under the title of “ʿArāʾis At-Tījān” in the year 1295 AH, 1306 AH, and that it was translated into Turkish.
3-Qaṣaṣ Al-Anbiyāʾ:
Brockelmann mentioned another book that is different from the previous book, according to his expression, and it talks about the prophets before our master Muḥammad, may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him, and there is a copy of it in Algeria.
4- The story of Shamson the Prophet, peace be upon him.
It was mentioned by the author of Muʿjam Al-Maṭbuʿāt.
5-Story of Yūsuf, peace be upon him.
It was mentioned by Brockelmann.
6-Story of Mūsā, peace be upon him.
It was mentioned by the author of Muʿjam Al-Maṭbuʿāt.
These three books were printed separately in Cairo in 1279 AH and 1299 AH.
For these three stories, Ath-Thaʿlabiyy held lengthy sessions for them in his book ʿArāʾis Al-Majālis, which makes it possible that it was taken from Al-ʿArāʾis, and Allah knows best.
7-A blessed book mentioning those who died upon listening to the great Qurʾān.
It is mentioned at the end of Tārikh Jurjān as one of the traditions that ʿAbdul-Qādir Ar-Rahāwiyy listened to its narration from ʿAbdul-Ghaniyy Al-Maqdisiyy in 596 AH. It is a manuscript version, and there is a copy of it in in Leiden and Hagia Sophia.
8-Ad-Durrah Al-Fākhirah fi Al-Amthāl As-Sāʾirah.
Brockelmann mentioned it, and said there is a written copy of it in Ragheb Pasha in Turkey (1079). He added: “Perhaps it is written by Abū Mansūr Ath-Thaʿālibiyy.” In a marginal note of Brockelmann’s book it is written: “Maybe this book is Ad-Durrah Al-Fākhirah fi Al-Amthāl As-Sāʾirah by Ḥamzah ibn Al-Ḥasan Al-Aṣfahāniyy.”
9-Al-Kāmil fi ʿUlūm Al-Qurʾān.
Al-Wāḥidiyy mentioned it in the introduction to his Tafsir entitled "Al-Basīṭ" and said that he read it upon his Shaykh Al-Thaʿlabiyy. It is among his lost books.
10-Rabīʿ Al-Mudhakkirīn.
ʿAbd Al-Ghaffār Al-Fārisī, As-Suyūṭī, Ad-Dāwūdī and others attributed it to Ath-Thaʿlabi. It is lost, however.
11-Al-Kashf wa Al-Bayān ʿan Tafsīr Al-Qurʾān.
It is the greatest of Ath-Thaʿlabi’s books. It is this great book, that I am doing research work on its first part.
A thorough and comprehensive study of this book, providing an introduction and authentication thereof, will be presented in the second chapter of this study, Allah willing.